Dandenong Criminal Lawyers
We represent many clients charged with both summary and indictable offences at Dandenong Magistrates Court, Victoria.
If you are required to attend Dandenong Magistrates’ Court to respond to any allegation of criminal offending contact us for an obligation free case assessment.

Dandenong Magistrates’ Court
The Dandenong Magistrates’ Court is located at 35 Pultney Street, Dandenong. The Court services suburbs south east of Melbourne’s CBD. As with other metropolitan and regional Courts it has criminal and civil jurisdiction.
The Dandenong Magistrates’ Court is the only metropolitan Court to operate a Drug Court and Koori Court.
Koori Courts in Victoria are located at:
The Drug Court is only available at the Melbourne Magistrates’ Court and the Dandenong Magistrates’ Court. Participation in the Drug Court is subject to these conditions:
The accused person must be dependent on drugs and/ or alcohol that contributed to their offending.
The accused person must be facing an immediate term of imprisonment not exceeding two years.
The accused person must be facing charges that are not sexual offence or involve the infliction of actual bodily harm unless minor in nature.
The accused person must not be subject to a parole order or sentencing order of the County or Supreme Court
The accused person is pleading guilty to the offence(s)
The Court also operates a Children’s Court on specified days.
A bail support service is also available to defendants and is referred to as the Court Integrated Services Program.
Case Studies
Call us for urgent expert advice (03) 9668 7600